The REAL Craft to Finding Your Niche with Rachele Wright

We’re back with another episode of Craft Talk! Initially Rachele and I had planned to discuss a specific topic, but like most great conversations, some back roads and side streets were taken and although not anticipated, it ultimately led us into a fruitful topic of the “Niche”.

“Finding Your Niche” has become a buzzword in social media and marketing circles. I, who sometimes have contrarian tendencies, shares doubts and gripes about the concept, while Rachele, a seasoned marketing expert with a focus on helping small businesses succeed in social media, provides a balanced perspective. She shares functional and practical tips in finding where we fit into all of this authentically but emphasizes how to avoid getting trapped by trends or algorithms.

We hope that this conversation helps you take time to observe your goals, reasons and “why’s” so you can ultimately present the most honest version of you online. Enjoy!

Tito Mendoza

Tito Mendoza tells stories through music, podcasts and social media. He is a singer-singer songwriter, producer, and the host of the Craft Talk Podcast.

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